Ginna’s Book Club: “Great Bones” by Keith McCormick, DC

Ginna’s Book Club: “Great Bones” by Keith McCormick, DC

Many of my patients know I am constantly gaining knowledge and education through reading and listening, sometimes even while working in my garden! 

 After hearing Dr. Keith McCormick interviewed by Dr. Kara Fitzgerald on her Functional Medicine podcast, I bought the book and increased my knowledge and awareness of bones and what to do to improve them. First of all, whoa! This book is a Tour De Force of bone information. It is a heavy lift, literally. It is 600 pages of info, with an additional 80 pages of citations. Only buy it if you are ready for some scientific, detail-oriented reading. It isn’t “dry” exactly, because Dr. McCormick inserts a lot of patient stories that many of us can relate to, and you may have a family member or friend with similar experiences; however, I did fall asleep many times with this book landing on my face!  My only real criticism is the index. It just isn’t detailed enough. 

 Are you taking enough Vit. D? Have you had your levels tested? What role does inflammation play in bone health? What is the deal with dairy and soy? All of the research is cited and questions answered in this impressive book.

It is satisfying to be a resource for my patients. I am happy to share this information with during our sessions. We can discuss proper nutrition, appropriate supplementation (for you!)  and specific lifestyle interventions to improve your bone health. My first goal always: to do no harm, decrease pain, and educate my patients to heal themselves naturally. 

Other resources for bone health included in the links below are an at home exercise course specifically for bone density improvements, Thorne’s Advanced Bone Nutrients link, Dr. McCormick’s website, and Dr. Fitzgerald’s podcast. Enjoy!

I encourage you to check out the Great Bones book, by  R. Keith McCormick, DC.

 Remedy Clinic’s Thorne dispensary: Advanced Bone Support link

Dr, Kara Fitzgerald’s “New Frontiers in Functional Medicine” podcast Nov. 2023 Episode: “Resolving Osteoporosis and Optimizing Bone Health” Spotify link:

Movement Logic’s Bone Density course: