New Patient | Acupuncture

Acupuncture: New Patients

Remedy Clinic is accepting new patients for acupuncture.

Initial Visit
Your first acupuncture visit will include a new patient exam and your first treatment. The new patient exam consists of a physical exam and health history session with your acupuncturist. We will evaluate your health history by discussing your chief health concerns, current lifestyle and diet, medications you may be taking, other treatments you may be receiving, and what your health goals are. Based on your diagnostic evaluation, we will make treatment recommendations that will help you accomplish your goals. Your first acupuncture treatment will be directly informed by your new patient exam. A variety of techniques and modalities may be used depending on what your goals are for treatment.

All treatments and consultations at Remedy are done in private rooms. Your comfort is a priority for our practitioners and we will make every effort to offer a relaxing experience. During your acupuncture session, you will rest on a massage table. If you are asked to disrobe, you will be draped appropriately at all times during your treatment. Your acupuncturist may offer bolsters and pillows, far-infrared heat lamps, blankets, and a heated table to help keep you comfortable and encourage you to relax.

Subsequent Visits and How Often to Schedule
Acupuncture sessions after the initial visit usually last about an hour. Your treatment will likely be similar across multiple visits until you want to use acupuncture to address a new concern. We typically suggest allowing 4 to 6 treatments to determine if acupuncture is a good fit for you.

Many patients wonder how often they will need to come in for acupuncture. The answer varies depending on what you are treating and many other factors. We recommend patients begin with 4 weekly treatments that build on each other to facilitate healing and relieve symptoms. After the initial four treatments, we recommend following the general scheduling guidelines included below.

Pain management: Schedule as often as you need. Consider factors such as stress, travel, weather, and flare-ups. When experiencing acute pain, you can schedule up to 3 times per week to help reduce inflammation, interrupt the cycle of pain, and facilitate healing.

Fertility: We recommend coming in weekly for 3 months or the span of 3 monthly cycles. Take into consideration your cycle, hormone levels, and your ART schedule. It is not necessary to come in for treatment when you are having your period unless you want treatment for another problem such as excessive cramping, endometriosis, headache, or heavy bleeding.

Women’s health and hormones: We suggest scheduling an appointment every two weeks. Some factors to consider are your cycle, hormone levels, and stress-related issues. Perimenopausal and menopausal women may come in less often.

Chronic conditions: We encourage our patients with chronic issues to schedule weekly as long as treatment helps manage and control their symptoms. Many patients with chronic conditions find that once their symptoms are managed, monthly treatment allows them to remain symptom-free. When scheduling, consider thing such as triggers for flare-ups and what results you are seeing fro treatment. Chronic conditions include emotional issues, insomnia, arthritis, allergies, and digestive complaints.

Supplements and herbal remedies may be recommended based on your health history and goals with treatment. These recommendations are included in your evaluation and refills are available on a prescription basis. Products are sold separately.

Once you are an established patient at Remedy, if a new health condition arises you may need to be re-evaluated. There may be a fee for additional consultation time spent with our practitioners.

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