Remedy Clinic’s online LabShop!
In Remedy’s Labshop you will find our recommended assessment tools. These top-ten tests can help you meet your health goals and overcome obstacles preventing you from living your best life. When your results come in, your Remedy provider will create an action plan and consult with you to answer all of your questions.
We included TruAge’s biological clock to unlock the mysteries of your epigenetic methylation patterns. This easy to take at-home blood test is comprehensive and reveals which organ systems you need to focus on for longevity. TruAge is always upgrading to remain cutting edge and actionable. This test makes a great gift for your loved one!
The DUTCH test is a urine strip hormone analysis for cycle regulation or mapping for optimal fertility. Learn about your hormone metabolites, including adrenals and key biomarkers that can be affecting your health.
The BiomeFx stool analysis can help you rehabilitate and fine tune your gut. Results include dietary and lifestyle recommendations, meal planning, supplementation and nutritional approaches to improve your digestion and immunity.
Cyrex Lab’s Alzheimer’s LINX test can assess your blood brain barrier, heavy metal exposure, and food-related threats to your brain health and cognition.
If you want to learn more about food sensitivity, or healthy aging, talk to your Remedy Clinic practitioner today. Visit our online LabShop to learn more and see sample reports!