Update on Cupping services at Remedy Clinic

Cupping is a helpful modality for body pain. Ginna and Heather both offer cupping services utilizing different types of cups at Remedy Clinic. Both practitioners have received extensive continuing education in cupping techniques and applications.
Using silicone, glass, and magnetic cups, we do stationary and moving cupping when indicated. Cupping is combined with acupuncture, hot and cold therapy, topical herbal preparations, and manual therapy to help patients with joint pain and arthritis.
We get questions about cupping for cellulite. There is no evidence that cupping is effective for eliminating cellulite. Also, we are more focused on health care at Remedy Clinic, rather than cosmetic treatments.
We have also received questions about wet cupping as a traditional Islamic practice. We do not provide cupping for this purpose. While we value wet cupping as a healthcare modality, we are not trained in the Islamic tradition.